BASED on statistics, it costs TEN TIMES more to develop a new client as opposed to keeping an existing client ; yet new clients are constantly required to develop business.
How do you prioritise the sometimes massive amount of estimating that is required at certain times of the year between existing and new clients ?
Can you afford to let your client wait, or let your new possible client wait until you can price that project, or start working on the post contract work ?
NORTHSTAR DRYWALL SERVICES can make up for a shortfall that you as a contractor experience from time to time, for estimating requirements, due to employee vacations, illness, retirement, work load etc...
The service is provided on a project to project basis either in your office and/or site, or in my office. ( I also accept DIGITAL FILES - PDF format )
Depending on your need, the time spent could be anything from 4 hours to 4 months, or on a periodic basis.
LAST UPDATE : May 1, 2011